CGDC 2021 Update
Hello everyone! We want to give you an update on CGDC 2021 and where we are at the moment. We are seeing many other conferences like GDC and Comic-Con continuing to go virtual this year, though that is because they usually draw thousands to their events. CGDC tends to be gathering around 150 – 250 people, so we are exploring the possibility to still meet in-person this summer as regulations allow. We heard from the venue we were working with that they recently decided not to host any conferences this summer at their location because of COVID, so we are investigating other venue options. Depending on how the venue search goes as well as where COVID regulations stand for this summer, we will make the decision whether to move forward with an in-person conference or host our second CGDC: Virtual conference this summer.
We are also considering a different type of in-person conference this year. We have all gone through a challenging year, and because of this we are exploring a conference with a higher focus on community time and less on the multiple speaker tracks like we have had in the past. If we’re all able to come together for the first time in two years, it would be great to have a lot of opportunities for fellowship, catching up with each other’s spiritual and game development journeys, and celebrating what God has been doing in the midst of this pandemic in our community. This less formal type of gathering would have less of a conference vibe and more of a camp feel.
Thank you for your patience and grace as we navigate through this challenging year to make it possible for us to come together again as a community!