Introducing Space Beastz

A composer/spaceship captain modeled after David tells his crew, the player(s), that he is on a mission to spread joy throughout the universe with his music, starting with a planet of overly-anxious sheep, and needs their help because he can’t play all the instruments himself.
Core Gameplay Loop
We want to create an experience where the player will experience both traversings around the bridge, and interacting with the stations. In order to marry the two gameplay loops, the inner gameplay as well as the outer gameplay, we discuss that the game level will utilize a circuitry layout, where the beatmap itself is the level, the player’s duty is to react to the beat map in real-time. For example, as the notes are moved towards the drum station, the player will move to the drum station to interact with, while that is happening (with clear telegraphing) there will be notes going to the guitar station and the player must move to that station.
Design Pillars
Cathartic Responsiveness
Properly executing actions will provide players with extremely satisfying rewards. Visually it should say things like “great” or “super” with appropriate particle effects.
Cooperative Agency
Working together provides the best strategy. The more players, the better the experience. Players interact with each other in humorous yet effective ways.
Light-hearted Frenetic Fun
The game engages players with simple tasks that quickly become hectic and outrageous. It pokes fun a lot of fun but mostly at itself.
Contribution Areas Needed
Right now, we’re seeking 2D artists and Unity C# Developers! If you feel called or interested in helping with the community game, please let us know!