The Virtual Christian Game Developer’s Conference

Hello everyone! Let’s talk a bit about VCGDC 2020!
I want to first take a moment to thank the CGDC conference planning team who had put together an amazing program for an in-person conference this year, as you may have seen glimpses of in their posts over the past few months. We’re going to have an awesome CGDC next summer in person God willing. 🙂
We’re breaking new ground for CGDC by going virtual this year, so this is a new experience for us all. We plan to have some of what you have experienced from past CGDCs like speakers and workshops, but also try some new things that might work better when meeting virtually. There are a lot of exciting things we have planned, so we’ll be posting updates as things get locked down over the next few weeks.
However, the core of this conference is our communities, and we can’t do this without you! We will be letting you all know soon of ways that you can help make this a great time of fellowship, encouragement, and growth, from volunteering needs to ways to contribute from your experiences, knowledge, and abilities.
Above all, we ask for your prayers. As CGDC founder Tim Emmerich always says, this is God’s conference, so please pray that He would show up and show off powerfully as we meet together and help our communities make an impact in the world through each of our unique game development journeys!
P.S. The goal is for registration to open up by end of July/early August. We’ll keep you posted!