BibleByte Games
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BibleByte Games was founded in 1982 to publish a series of Bible-based Computer Games for the Radio... View more
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BibleByte Games was founded in 1982 to publish a series of Bible-based Computer Games for the Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer. The Conrod family originally released the following titles: Bible Scramble Games, The Memory Verse Games, The Quail Game, Moses’ Rod, Noah’s Ark, The Church Growth Game, Heavenly Mansions, The Exodus Game, Manna from Heaven, The Rapture Game, and Daniel & the Lion’s Den. In 1983, the Bible Computer Games were ported to the Texas Instruments TI-99 and the Timex Sinclair computer systems. Click here to view some of the original computer systems we developed our games on back in those early days of micro-computers. BIBLEBYTE also distributed their Bible-based learning games at Christian bookstores and church conferences in the early1980s.
In 1983, the Conrods assembled the Bible Computer Games they had written into an easy-to-use textbook tutorial format which could be used by beginning programming students to learn the BASIC computer programming language. The book was designed to be used as a supplementary computer programming textbook. In November 1983, the Conrods signed a publishing agreement with Accent Publications for their first COMPUTER BIBLE GAMES programming textbook. The first “COMPUTER BIBLE GAMES” programming textbook was officially published on January 1, 1984 by Ac’cent Books for the Radio Shack TRS-80, Texas Instruments TI-99 and Timex Sinclair micro-computer systems.
The book received its first media review in the July issue of Christian Bookseller Magazine. Randall R. Warren wrote, “Computer Bible Games is one of the first of what will no doubt be a long line of programs and ideas for using a home computer for Christian education and recreation.”
The Bible Computer Games software package was then ported and released on the Apple, Commodore, and the Microsoft MBASIC computer platforms in 1984. COMPUTER BIBLE GAMES – BOOK 2 was published on July 1, 1984 by Ac’cent Books. The second book also received very positive reviews.
Doug Vos, founder of the Christian Computer Users Association said the book was, “A useful supplementary text for Christian school computer classes. Great for beginning programmers. This book is a wonderful start in an area much neglected by thinking Christians. It is hoped that this book is only the pioneer in what will become an earth-shaking Christian software industry.”
Don Dengerink, Christian Education and Technology Consultant said, “In this age of technology we are seeing an explosion of knowledge in the area of computer science. The possibilities of growth and development with the use of computers in Christian Education are staggering and Conrod’s book is a step in the right direction. Conrod’s use of games to introduce and reinforce Biblical truth makes learning fun for both children and adults.”
In 1986, Phil Conrod founded PC ENTERPRISES to help publish a new series of Computer Bible Games for the fast-growing IBM PC/MS-DOS platform. Our COMPUTER BIBLE GAMES FOR MS-DOS GW-BASIC & QUICKBASIC included the Microsoft BASIC source code for all our original Bible Computer Games:
Bible Scramble Games, The Memory Verse Games, The Quail Game, Moses’ Rod, Noah’s Ark, The Church Growth Game, Heavenly Mansions, The Exodus Game, Manna from Heaven, The Rapture Game, and Daniel & the Lion’s Den.
We also added the following new Computer Bible Games that were written exclusively for the IBM PC-DOS / MS-DOS Compatible platform: The Lost Coin Game, Elijah and The Ravens, David and the Giants, Journey of the Wise Men, The Sermon on the Mount, The Sheep and the Goats, The Good Shepherd, Paul & the Jailer, The Prodigal Son Game, Old Testament Books I & II, New Testament Books I & II, Bible Books I & II, Bible Who is it, Where is it, and What is it, The Bible BAGELS Series and The Bible TOE-TAC-TIC Series.
In 1991, we started porting our Computer Bible Games to the fast-growing Microsoft Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI) platform. The games we decided to port to Windows were: Noah’s Ark, Elijah & The Ravens, Daniel & The Lions, The Good Shepherd, The Prodigal Son, The Lost Coin Adventure, The Exodus Game and Moses Rod. The rest of the Computer Bible Games were retired with the MS-DOS Operating System and discontinued.
In 2010, we published several new Computer Bible Game programming tutorial textbooks for Microsoft Small Basic 1.0, Visual Basic 2010, Visual C# 2010 and Oracle Java v6 using the source code from our classic Computer Bible Games for Windows under the BibleByte Books publishing label. BibleByte Books merged with Kidware Software in 2011.
In 2012, we adopted the Unity 3D Game Engine & C# as our new development platform which would eventually replace our Microsoft Visual Studio Windows Forms game development environment.
In 2017, we published a new Unity 3D C# Game Design and Programming textbook tutorial called “Introduction to Unity 3D using C#: The Exodus Adventure – 2017 Edition” with Kris Murray. We also published a Historical Christian novel called “Exodus: God of the Slaves” which was also written by Kris Murray. Kris Murray & Phil Conrod also start working to working together on a new PC/MAC Adventure Game called Exodus Vigil based on the historical Christian novel using the “Introduction to Unity 3D using C#: The Exodus Adventure” as the adventure game template.
On July 14, 2022, we published “Early Access” to our Exodus Vigil 3D Puzzle Adventure Game on Steam!