CGDC: Virtual 2022 and Getting Connected

We would like to thank you for attending the 2022 Virtual Christian Game Developer’s Conference! This year was an interesting and successful attempt to streamline the new experience using a platform called Airmeet. All in all, it went extremely well, and we’re grateful for your patience and understanding as we worked through any issues that came up.

With that being said, we wanted to take a moment to recap the event and give you some information on how to get plugged into our amazing community of creative Christians now that you’ve been to one of our events. As a reminder, we still host the physical Christian Game Developer’s Conference each year with the exception of the struggles we’ve faced surrounding the global pandemic. Please stay tuned for information regarding the next in-person conference.

Get Caught Up

We’ve uploaded all of the presentations from this year’s virtual conference to a YouTube playlist and you can work through it at your own pace. There’s a ton of value here, so please be sure to comment on each video as you’re watching or listening in order to provide feedback or spark discussion with your friends!

If you’d like, you can simply click play on the video and then use the playlist icon at the top right to see navigate between all 16 videos, or you can click through to visit them using the list recapped below. As we’re looking to continually improve this very new digital endeavor, we hope you’ll share your feedback with us regarding its format and execution.

Click the Playlist button at the top right of the player!

Get Connected

Our annual conference provides you with a unique opportunity to meet new creative Christian storytellers, designers, programmers, musicians, businessmen and women and more, building long lasting relationships, all while honing your craft and pursuing the calling that the Lord has placed on your life!

We look forward to helping you get connected with a SAGE Group – CGDC’s small group program that’s tailored toward helping you build meaningful relationships with other Christians year-round while sustainably working toward progress on your game development project or journey and growing in your game development craft through courses developed by the CGDC community.

Additionally, we have several social outlets where you can get plugged in, like our general audience and Tabletop Facebook groups, official Discord server, and even our LinkedIn community, for starters. We’re always looking for ways to cast a wider net, and our brand new website will serve as a place where we can begin to centralize it all going forward.

Our biggest takeaways from the virtual conference were that many people have found immense value in having a midway point to connect with others and be inspired or sparked while they wait for the in person conference, and that many others who are normally unable to attend it due to travel circumstances were able to meet our awesome community of incredibly creative individuals for the first time ever. We can’t wait to see you next year, but until then, drop by and say hello!

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