Registration for the 2024 Christian Game Developers Conference is now live!

Are you a Christian who loves making games? Do you want to meet other like-minded developers, artists, writers, musicians and more? Do you want to learn from industry experts, share your projects and get inspired by God’s creativity? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you don’t want to miss the 2024 Christian Game Developers Conference!

What is the Christian Game Developers Conference?

CGDC is an annual event that brings together Christians from all over the world who are passionate about creating games that glorify God and serve His Kingdom. It’s a time of fellowship, worship, learning and fun for everyone involved in the game development process. Whether you’re a professional, a hobbyist or a beginner, you’ll find something for you at the conference.

Location and Pricing

This year’s conference will once again be held at Azusa Pacific University an Azusa, California. This time, however, it will be from July 11th – July 13th! That’s only 142 days away (keep track with our new countdown)! As a reminder, registration for the conference is now open! If you act fast, you can get one of our Early Bird tickets for only $150 USD. This gives you access to all days of the conference, including keynote sessions, workshops, panels, game showcases in the Expo and more. Pricing will increase to $200 USD for a Conference Ticket in March.

We’ve simplified this year’s ticketing process based on your feedback. Instead of having many tickets for many circumstances, we’ve narrowed it down to ONE Conference Ticket per person, with meals and lodging remaining separate, optional add-ons. If you have a non-participating Supportive Family Member attending, please use the coupon code ‘IMSUPPORTIVE’ at checkout!

So, if you have no plans to eat off campus or stay at a hotel in the Azusa area, you will need to bundle in a Meal Ticket and a Lodging Ticket with your Conference Ticket at checkout! If you are attending with family members, you will need to add one of each ticket type to your cart PER PERSON. Eliminating family lodging tickets has allowed us to keep things simple for everyone.

Additionally, our Conference Exposition registration is now being handled directly on our new website! This means that if you would like to showcase your game during the conference, you can simply RSVP and fill out all of the details for your expo setup here.

The Schedule and Keynote Speaker

As we’ve previously discussed, we’ve changed our speaker format this year. Our virtual component is now the place to speak and share your gifts, talents, wisdom and industry experience with your peers. Anyone can apply, and this past Virtual, we had a load of wonderful sessions all hosted by you!

The physical conference will be a place to focus on faith, fellowship and fun, and to take the load off of you and let you enjoy these aspects of the event (which feedback overwhelmingly states is your favorite part!) we’ve chosen a handful of speakers and a keynote speaker to fill out our sessions. These speakers will be announced soon, so please wait a little while longer as we finalize the details.

“CGDC Virtual” will now be known as “Workshops”

What’s different this year is that instead of having ONE Virtual conference to act as a companion to the physical gathering we’re planning for, “CGDC Virtual” will now be known as “Workshops” that will be held throughout the year to keep that spark of creativity, community and fun going well after we meet in person! Please keep an eye out for Workshop speaker registration as well as more information on the change in the near future.

You make the conference what it is!

CGDC 2022 Group Photo

Last year was incredible and we’re expecting this year to be even better, but it’s only better with you there joining us in fellowship! So what are you waiting for? Register now and join us at the 2024 CGDC!

You likely have many questions regarding travel, food, packing, the conference itself, and more. Luckily, with the launch of our brand new website, we have a FAQ section for the Conference that’s just been updated! If anything is missing or unclear, please feel free to just ask us. See you at the conference, friends, and remember, let’s aim to be salt and light in the video game industry!

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  1. Hello and hope you are well.

    My name is Daniel Stewart. I attended a CGDC way back in approximately 2013 when it was in up north (in Portland, I believe). Back then I worked for the Christian game dev company, Lightside Games, but these days the Lord led me to start one, (For what it’s worth, our game, Crown Blades RPG, is free and currently available on iOS and Google Play.)

    I also happen to live in Southern California now and saw that the next CGDC appears to be in Azusa, CA. I am interested in attending, but need more information as to whether it makes more sense for me to come as an exhibition table presenter, or as a registered guest. From what I can glean from the typical attendee, they trend toward being aspiring designers, devs, and hobbyists.

    If the festivities are tailored for them it may not make sense for me to fully register as I’ve been in the game industry for over ten years and have worked as a FTE on games ranging from Minecraft to Journey of Jesus.

    Finally, can you tell me more about the missional aspect of CGDC, if any beyond these yearly CGDC gatherings of game-loving believers? One way or another, I am interested in connecting with your team and getting more involved in the CGDC community.

    Best blessings,

    Daniel Stewart