Join us for the 2023 In-Person and Virtual Christian Game Developer’s Conferences

It’s that time again! Each year, you wait with bated breath for the announcement of the next in-person Christian Game Developer’s Conference. Well, wait no longer (the antidote to bated breath), because our wonderful community of creatives will come together once again at Azusa Pacific University in Azusa California from July 20, 2023, to July 23, 2023!

We’re back, and we hope you are too!

Last year, we reconvened our physical get together after a few years of playing it safe due to the global pandemic and meeting only virtually. During that time, many friendships were created, and much fellowship was had and it was a fantastic reminder of the reason we do what we do.

God is in games just as He is in the music industry and other creative aspects of life and living alike. Let us not forsake the importance of community as we navigate what it means to affect the lives of others for the Lord with our talents and giftings. Most of all, let’s do life together and explore the mission as one body. We’ll have more information on speakers and other important aspects of the physical conference for you soon, including safety precautions, so stay tuned!

Let’s spend even more time together

Speaking of meeting virtually, our annual Virtual Christian Game Developer’s Conference will be held February 18-19, 2023. For those of you who are unfamiliar, the virtual component of our conference is important, though rather new to our efforts and was spawned out of a desire to meet when we could not (and to meet more often). What we found was that more people attended, more people gave talks, and ultimately, more lives were reached across the globe as a result of our embracing the technology available to us. It was a load of fun, and you all seemed to think so as well!

The identity of each conference

This year, the virtual and physical conferences will be a bit different. In-person, we will aim to have a set number of speakers so that we can maximize the amount of time you can enjoy the expo hall and get to know your fellow creatives. The overwhelming amount of feedback we’ve received on the value this aspect of the conference adds to the experience and the impression it leaves on you once you go home can not be understated, so we’re fine-tuning it further.

Because of this, the virtual conference will be used to tap into the community’s potential going forward. We will soon put out a call to see who may be interested in hosting a session, and our goal is to be very open with who and what is on offer. We want you to share what you’ve been up to, pass your technical knowledge on to your friends to empower them to create even more amazing games, reveal your industry experience and motivate one another like never before.

So often, we meet in person and then much of what we accomplish until the next conference is completely unknown and invisible to others, but we want to celebrate your achievements, and we want you to collaborate with one another and grow together, truly giving life to the idea of community beyond just the word or place we gather.

Pressing on toward the goal

With all that in mind, we know that these past few years have been rough and that the idea of traveling to another state amidst the threat of COVID-19 and potentially making your loved ones vulnerable has caused much hesitation. After meeting in-person last year, we feel we are at a place where it makes sense to start coming together again.

Of course, everyone will have to decide for themselves whether or not they are comfortable with doing so, but our goal is to ramp up attendance again to the place it was before lockdown and even to grow our numbers further. We will observe and follow all local and state laws so that everyone remains safe as we did this past July, and if you have any questions or concerns, you can ask us directly.

There’s something about being at the conference physically that simply can’t be expressed with words alone. Ultimately, we believe that the Christian Game Developer’s Conference and its 20 years of history are valuable and offer something few other communities have. We’re always seeking to improve it and make it even more exciting, and we’re certain that this year will be the best one yet! We’re excited to see you return and press on toward the goal of creating games that glorify God by locking arms with the awesome developers, artists, musicians, and storytellers the Lord has placed in your life.

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