Lesson 9 of 10
In Progress

Environments & Engineering the Story

Matthew Colon October 3, 2020
  1. How does architecture play a role in evoking the history, values, and culture of your game’s fictional designers and/or denizens?
    1. Does your architecture have internal logic?
  2. How is your narrative backstory and exposition embedded into the game’s environment itself?
    1. What is conveyed at the macro level, and what is conveyed at the micro level?
    2. How are you implying a bigger world than what is directly seen?
    3. Does your environment have internal logic?
  3. Does your game align design intent, narrative context, and AI functionality well to achieve believable in-game characters? If not, which of those three needs to be addressed to do so?
  4. Do your game’s characters’ observed behaviors express what they want (base, long-term, short-term, and immediate desires), what they currently believe is the best way to get what they want, and what they are actually capable of doing?
  5. How can you use enemy illusions in your game to increase the perception of your characters’ intelligence?
  6. How are the physics in your game maintaining internal consistency without bouncing players out of the fantasy?
  7. What tools and pipelines are your team employing to make narrative contributions easier? Do they require high or low technical expertise?